Saturday 1 April 2017

A woman was shoot to death on her birthday.

 - Jilted man attacks and fatally shooting mother and her daughter on the back of their heads, they kill on the spot

- Michael Thornton was charged with murder after he allegedly shot Tasharina FLUKER, her former lover and her daughter Janazia Myles

- Tasharina just cerebrated her birthday a few hours earlier to be with her gruesome death. Her sister, Monique FLUKER, discovered the bodies. What say the killer after arrest

Tears of pain as family and friends mourn a single mother-of-five and her daughter who recently shot at their home in Lithonia, USA.

Michael Thornton
Tasharina FLUKER, 42, and her daughter Janazia Myles, 25, is by Monique FLUKER, Tasharina's sister found dead at their Lithonia home. The two gunshot wounds to the back of their heads.

Monique FLUKER allegedly a frequent visitor to the home of her sister. She says Tasharina always her Lithonia home insisted the center of family activities.

Tasharina FLUKER and daughter Janazia Myles died in that DeKalb County police call a double murder near Lithonia.
On the fateful day, Monique says she just a rage call from a family member saying he was trying to get into the house and feared something was terribly wrong received.

Monique reminded her eyes were so bad crop with tears that she could not find the house in the dark morning. She was afraid of what would happen to Tasharina, her sister, who just her 42nd birthday a few hours earlier celebrated.

She wept as she rode on the way to Lithonia to find out what may have gone wrong.

"I'm looking at 2659, 2659," the inquiry she left a neighbor.

And finally, when she arrived, she heard crying sound of a baby. But no one came to the door. So Monique and her boyfriend to find another

Police are investigating the murders
The boyfriend smashed a window and took the house. On the couch was an 8-month-old Treajure Myles, only sleeping. At the foot of the stairs was the child's mother, who Monique's cousin was. Her bloody body lay still with a gunshot wound to the head.

In the master bathroom upstairs, Monique lifeless body Tasharina's on the floor by the toilet. She also shot in the head, according to police reports.

Friends say it was Tasha FLUKER celebrating her birthday last night. A few hours later she was killed with her daughter.
Monique could not control her tears. It was so painful she attempted to perform CPR, but there was so much blood and her sister is clearly not breathe.

When the police arrived at the bloody scene, Monique, without hesitation, identified boyfriend of her sister's, Michael Thornton, as the prime suspect.

Police DeKalb County than moved quickly arrested and charged Thornton with the murder of two Tasharina and her daughter, Myles.

Monique believes Thorton killed Tasharina and her daughter becuase she broke up with him. She knew allegation about their troubled relationship and provide a break-up.

"He knew he had to leave his. Told me he was a good man, but he was not right for her," said Monique.

Thornton, however, a very different story of what went down in that house when he was arrested. According to the police report, he said the victims "jumped" him when he walked into the house, and the gun went off.

"The sound frightened me and I ran out of the house," Thornton allegedly told investigators.

The trial is still on, even as the family prepares for the funeral of their loved ones.

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