Tuesday 18 April 2017

UN Worker Captured For Robbing Bank. See Photo

A United Nations worker was captured for 

robbing four Manhattan banks, all during his 

lunch hour, New York Police said. 

Abdullahi Shuaibu, 53, was grabbed by police 

on Monday and accused of burglary and 

endeavored burglary for the violations conferred 

during his two-month binge. 

Each of the four banks are within walking separation of 

UN base camp on First Ave. close E. 42nd 

St., where the Nigerian worked. 

Specialists were directed to the suspect after a 

resigned cop who works at the UN 

remembered him from a reconnaissance picture 

beforehand discharged by the police. 

In the main incident, Shuaibu strolled into a 

Santander Bank on Madison Ave. close E. 43rd 

St. on Feb. 27 and told the teller he had a 

weapon. The bank representative agreed 

what's more, given him an obscure entirety of cash. 

He hit two more banks in March, first striking 

out at a Bank of America on Third Ave. close 

E. 47th St. on the thirteenth. 

He was likewise fruitful in robbing a Santander 

Put money on Third Ave. what's more, E. 63rd St. on the 


During the latest incident on Monday, 

Shuaibu strolled into a HSBC on Third Ave. 

furthermore, E. 40th St. around 2:30 p.m. what's more, passed a 

note demanding money to the teller. 

The teller did not read the note and asked him 

for ID. 

He, be that as it may, instructed the teller to peruse the 

note, keeping his submit his coat stash 

while simulating a weapon, police said. 

Police captured him later in the day when he 

come back to the UN. 

Shuaibu was a worker of the News Agency 

of Nigeria and filled in as its UN reporter 

in the vicinity of 2006 and 2009. 

The office, notwithstanding, terminated his 

appointment in April 2013 following his refusal 

to resume work in Nigeria at the close of 

obligation visit and expanded period which he 

asked for to empower him finish an 

scholarly program. 

The termination of appointment was formally 

passed on to the UN. 

An UN representative Stephane Dujarric denied 

that Shuaibu was a staff of the association. 

Dujarric additionally said that the speculate as it were 

filled in as an agreement staff for three months in 

Darfur and his agreement was terminated in 


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