Tuesday 18 April 2017

“Don’t Test The Strength Of North Korea”- U.S Vice President, Mike Pence

US Vice President Mike Pence learned North Korea to be careful with how elicit President Donald Trump or the military power to its terms, as recent blows in Afghanistan and Syria shows that America will act as needed in the nation unruly / governments.

Speaking during a visit to Seoul, South Korea, Pence said the last shots of American soldiers in Afghanistan and Syria is a similar situation in North Korea, saying it showed the "strength and purpose of our new president."
"We have to defeat every attack and we will meet all use conventional or nuclear weapons with a comment like practices," said Pence, adding that when he came to North Korea "all options are on the table. Washington would be with Seoul as we make decisions moving forward. "

Pence remained 'The time for patience is more strategically. "
"President Trump is very hopeful that China will take action to bring about a change of policy in North Korea. A abandonment of its nuclear weapons program and its missile program bombs. Washington's troubled economic retaliation from China against South Korea (to) take appropriate measures to protect you from deploying defensive system of US missile THAAD.
try the Pence Seoul on Monday, is part of a 10-day visit to the 'Asia. It met with leaders in Seoul Military and American troops there.
try the Pence followed an impressive parade Saturday to mark the "Day of the sun", the most important issue in the North Korean calendar, where Kim Jong-A parade its military arsenal and also test-launched a missile that failed woefully.
Source: CNN

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