Sunday 16 April 2017

Nobody Is Afraid Of Senator Peter Nwaoboshi

There have been of late urgent moves 

especially through media productions to 

occupy hardworking and dynamic representative 

representing Delta North. Having experienced 

some of these productions alleging this or 

that against Senator Peter Nwaoboshi, my 

take is that everything remains claims yet to be 

demonstrated in any official courtroom. 

Sadly a few people or gatherings, out of 

their numbness, hostility or the force him down 

disorder, have as of now, all alone attempted, 

indicted and sentenced the congressperson 

accordingly. Be that as it may, why? In our nearby speech, 

Diminish Nwaoboshi 

we say "there is God oooo". No doubt, 

the representative has been denounced unheard. 

For any situation, the reason(s) to the extent I can see, 

is not unrealistic as legislative issues is now in the 

air, all the more so when INEC has distributed the 

2019 decisions time-table. That is to state the 

warmth is on. Much the same as understudies preparing for 

examinations, it is not awful for legislators to 

begin early arrangements however care ought to be 

taken to maintain decency and play by the 

rules. Say thanks to God for the new Electoral Act 

that has introduced framework. 

Another reason that I can find for the 

unwarranted assault on the identity of 

Nwaoboshi is the undisputed truth that the 

certifications of this first time representative is rising 

by the day past the imagination of his 

depreciators who are being intimidated by his 

superlative execution at the sacred 


My real to life exhortation to our distinguished representative 

is to utilize those blocks tossed at him to construct 

super structures for his kin. Let him not be 

disheartened yet rather be inspired to serve the 

individuals the more. 

Further I ask the congressperson to remain centered 

what's more, continue to convey the profits of 

majority rules system to the general population of Delta North which 

he has indeed been doing and as yet doing 

through his different strengthening ventures and 

huge infrastructural advancements among 

others. The accomplishments are there to talk 

for themselves. 

The congressperson has been matching words with 

activity in line with his discretionary guarantees. 

It is deserving of note that Nwaoboshi's 

discretionary triumph was so convincing and 

unchallenged not even by the political top dogs 

that kept running with him. To me, that was the outcome 

of diligent work, acknowledgment by the general population and 

God's decision. 

The saying, "God's case no interest", well-suited in this 

case. Finally, Senator Peter Nwaoboshi is not 

a saint however certainly not a demon. Assuming 

without conceding that he is a demon, don't you 

think that the demon you know is superior to the 

holy messengers you don't know. 

Finally, we should give him a shot and rally round 

him to succeed. It is not a divided undertaking. It is 

Delta North issue. 

Prophet, Miracle, convey go!

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