Monday 27 March 2017

-Yves Kalash: OPEC says Igb Hugh Bigot, I want him sacked

Dr. Frederick Fashoun, founder of the Social and Cultural Community of Yoruba, called the People's Congress in Udwa to dismiss Inspector General Haj Ibrahim Idris on charges of tribalism and prejudice.

Vasshoun said the chief of police had shown himself as a leader, unsuitable for the head of the country's police force.

The head of the conference said the LTTE's latest response to allegations that the people who were arrested only after the Yoruba crisis between Hausa and Yoruba in the town of Effi, Oson showed clearly that the police chief followed an ethnic text.

"The IGC only confirmed that the Yoruba only was arrested in a conflict between the Yoruba and Hausa Volani people, which is harmful and unacceptable," Vasson said in a statement distributed in Lagos on Monday.

"Idris is a man with an agenda who has shown himself to be bigot and is not fit to be a police officer in a global country and pluralism like Nigeria before President Mohamedou Buhari is sacked, the president must be emptied of," Fashoun said.

In response to criticism from Yoruba leaders following the parade of 20 suspects, including the king of Yoruba, Idris said last week after meeting with the president in Aso Rock Abuja that the crime has no tribe.

According to Fashoun, the police chief stated that the statement was "in recognition of the tribes, without specifying the position of the inspector general of the Nigerian police, and it is certain that the police under Mr. Ibrahim Idris took a harmful step to capture the Yoruba people only, although the crisis hit tribes against Each other.

The leader of the conference said that through Idris's statement, it was clear that Eag had been taken aside, and that unlike his training and his successor had closed an open issue between two opposing groups.

"The Commission has recognized that the suspects of Yoruba were arrested only and that it was intentional.

He called for the immediate release of Evey 20, saying their arrest had not followed due process or facts on the ground.

According to the OPEC leader, it was clear that such a damaging attitude by security agents such as Igh had given pastoralists Volani to escape to inflict violence and death on communities across Nigeria.

"Is it any wonder why the police, under the supervision of Idris, have not been able to capture and investigate the anarchy that the Fulani shepherds of the state of Bagato in the state of Pino have been subjected to and have been subjected to, where they have sacked communities and continued to graze the cattle without punishment, Ekiti, Ogun State, Nassarawa State, Beno State, Plato State and South Kaduna?

"Despite the chaos that unleashed and continued against the citizens of South Kaduna, the police under Idriss was unable to arrest and prosecute one perpetrator.

"He is a promoter of ethnic cleansing, he is a man on an evil mission."

The leader of the party said that in cases where the victims offered resistance, the police would swing at work and arrest people defending their homes and farms against Fulani herders.
"Idris communities are rising everywhere so the death agents of the Hausa-Volani resist, and quickly rise to arrest citizens for recruitment to protect themselves," he said.

Commenting on the list of harmful police interventions, the President of the Conference noted that "this occurred in the Lagos crisis in May 2 in 2016, when police from part of the country supported the warriors and killers of Hausa Volani and arrested citizens protecting their children, businesses and property Of damage and death.

"This happened on March 76, 2016, when the Ogunishi Autonomous residents of the local government district of Enugu were arrested in their search to rescue the women who were captured from Fulani herders."

Police accused Eig looking at the other way

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