Sunday 23 April 2017

Touching: read what happened to this family

A family has been experiencing blockage,delay in
marriage ,backwardness, untimely death, & all kinds of evil, but they notice that every night from 12pm
they usually hear a strange movement& sound around the house.
one of the family member decided to
report this situation to a Pastor, so he was given an
anointing oil to sprinkle all over the house for 3
night with mid nite prayers.
on the 3rd day, to the amazement of the
family a very big snake crawl out
from an unknown spot and DIED,
its was later discover that it's was
the family snake that their fathers
usually worship,
immediately doors
open for everybody,the ladies
started getting married& the men
started experiencing
breakthrough & the yoke of
untimely death was broken.
You might choose to ignore this story but if by FAITH
you can type AMEN, LIKE &
SHARE this story for the glory of God, then every ancient
family serpent blocking your
progress & working against your
SUCCESS shall die today In Jesus Christ name......
Kindly share

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