Friday 31 March 2017

Aisha Laar, the woman who accused her best friend of stealing her husband reveals more in recent interview

Aisha Laar, the lady who accused her best friend, Farida led his men finally spoke.
She bared all in an exclusive interview with Northern Hibiscus, titled 'My Truth'.

Aisha OC my name is Aisha Laar i am, i am from Kaduna state Kafanchan to be exact. I am a student of Bayero University Kano, and it was in my 20s

NH. flying to all the comments on social media we saw that he converted to Islam. Can you please elaborate on that.

Aisha OC yes it was a Christian, was born in a Christian home and yes my parents and siblings are all Christians. i have so many Muslim friends and every time they pray i was mesmerized. It is not Islam. i know when i told my parents they could not get him to run home, I go to a relative who later sent me to Dr. Ahmed gummi. i went to the office confident and told his aides in an appointment. I was a very young lad!

He was amused, he saw a very young girl with so much power and sent for my parents.
And they came to get me to convert and later they took me home.
They got me malams who helped me with everything and more into a near by islamiya!
He wanted to name my khadija but i choose Aisha because i liked the name so much.
My name is Katherine but now i am satisfied Aisha !!! ALHAMDULLILLAH

NH. i'm itching to dive into the text. but when did you first meet junaidu and Farida

Aisha OC- first met Farida KD very nice lady and we instantly had been friends for a while, we both are schools in Kano and we are always together, sleep in your home sometimes he sleeps, my skin is the same, that's how close it was with Farida. you know my every move she knows all my secrets.
Junaidu, met last year precisely 25th of February 2016
we instantly. He is a very caring person and will leave you on your own. He is very selfless and it fell hard. He is a passionate man and has sacrificed a lot for me. He said: Aisha i love you and i want to spend the rest of my life with you, i can not waste time "i was so excited and on the 16th of July, junaidu meet my parents and my pay, bride price !! pay N100,000 sadaki and N50,000 kudin gaisuwa. i was over joyed! they are until the 26th of December for the wedding fatiha!
All who know me know junaid!

Aisha OC lol like i said he is very caring (deviates violates the Privacy ALHAMDULLILLAHI) but not his nature, i think. and one that we do not fight over it. i did not know they were dating.

NH and what happened afterwards why did not you get married on the 26th of decenmber

Aisha OC - everything was fine up until he started having trust issues. He felt Farida (his bride) was me he'd be standing friend. the strong girl and I will not bow. Farida is my friend and he is a good persoin, i see nothing wrong in being friends with her.
He became paranoid. Every time i go out with friends was super uncomfortable. We always fight. Clearly it had an informant close to me.
I will not lie and say it does not have male friends. but when junaid, and tell your passengers to do with them. and you know! i want to marry him.
junaid in the clingy type you would call it 10 times a day (i loved that about him)
and after one battle we had to go abroad for a week !!!
it felt pretty strange. and I was like, i miss him but kunsan Jan Aji i didnt call.
later we came back together but the relationship has been strained!
agreed to the date in the 2nd week of febuary 2017

NH -so how junaid and Farida meet
Aisha OC- a secure and they know each other. when he visits me, we went out together.
When they started dating, and I do not know.
But what is coming to me, i think i am not sure!
junaidu has a habit of when ever fought, C

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